The Alamance County Economic Development Foundation (ACEDF) is a 501 c 3 not for profit entity created in 2006 to help foster economic development opportunities in Alamance County. The ACEDF is 100% privately funded by local businesses who support efforts to increase county employment and tax base through the attraction of new industries and expansion of existing industries. The Foundation celebrated the kickoff of Invest in Alamance 2.0 on November 17, 2021. This new five-year plan will fund an energetic, ambitious plan for economic and community development in Alamance County. Want to learn more? Click below:
Campaign Kickoff Media Release
Invest In Alamance 2.0 Campaign Brochure
Invest In Alamance 2.0 Honor Roll of Investors
If you are interested in becoming an Investor in the ACEDF, contact David Putnam at