Career Accelerator Program (CAP)
Today’s companies need well-trained, and highly-skilled workers to be successful. The Chamber helped to facilitate, develop, and continues to support the Career Accelerator Program (CAP). CAP is a four-year apprenticeship consortium between local manufacturing companies, Alamance Community College and the Alamance Burlington School System. High school juniors and seniors are recruited and matched with these companies to train for their future career. To learn more about CAP, contact Andrea Fleming at andrea@alamancechamber.com or 336.228.1338. More information is also available through the link below.
Teacher Leadership Academy (TLA)
The Alamance Chamber partners with Impact Alamance to offer teachers this professional development opportunity to gain exposure to community organizations and services, as well as review strategies that can be directly applied to classroom learning for improved student outcomes. Academy participants will also have the opportunity to attend a grant writing session. Upon completion of this session, teachers will be eligible to apply for teacher creativity grants for their schools.
The Teacher Leadership Academy is a tuition free, year long program. Participants are selected through an application process that takes place in February. Each cohort consists of 50 participants. To learn more about TLA, contact Laura Fehlhafer at laura@alamancechamber.com or 336.228.1338. More information is also available through the link below.
The Teacher Leadership Academy takes place the third Tuesday of the month from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Applications available in February.